Последнее путешествие девочек is the Russian edition of the Girls' Last Tour manga. It was released by the AST publisher (АСТ in Russian) in collaboration with Reanimedia (Реанимедиа in Russia), the company known for publishing many popular manga/anime titles. Date of release?
Like many a manga in Russia, the volumes are more volumous. A Russian volume contains two Japanese volumes. Thus, there are only three books in total. It is known that the original print of the first volume had thinner paper than subsequent reprints.
This is the synopsis used in media:
Постапокалипсис. Две девочки, Тито и Юри, остаются наедине с мёртвой цивилизацией. Они путешествуют на своём любимом мотоцикле «Кеттенкраде» по руинам безжизненных городов в поисках еды и топлива. Серые и безнадёжные дни сменяют друг друга, но, пока девочки вместе, даже в самых мрачных моментах они находят что-то светлое. А их чувства и переживания наполняют этот пустой мир моментами, ради которых всё-таки ещё стоит жить... Что же такое «обычная жизнь» для девочек, блуждающих среди руин? Эксцентричная манга от гениальной Цукумидзу исследует неизведанную область жанра повседневности.
Post-apocalypse. Two girls, Chito and Yuuri, are left alone with the dead civilisation. They travel on their favourite motorcycle called Kettenkrad through the ruins of lifeless cities looking for food and fuel. Their life is full of drab existence, but the girls manage to find something bright even in the darkest moments for as long as they are together. Their feelings and experience fill this dull world with moments that make the life worth living... So, what is that ‘everyday life’ for the girls roaming the ruins? Eccentric manga from the genius Tsukumizu explores uncharted area of the slice of life genre.
Limited edition
There was a limited edition you could pre-order on Crowdrepublic.
Reanimedia started making and shipping this edition only after all three volumes were released.
==# Contents
The three books
A box with bonuses:
Metallized postcards featuring those images before every chapter.
A souvenir magnet featuring the girls.
Two bookmarks.
Five posters.
An additional postcard featuring Reanimedia's artwork.
A box that fits all three books and the box with bonuses.
The box has a paper wrapper with the series' title and the list of people who has paid additional money to be featured on the list.
Additional poster that is even bigger.