TkmizMeta Crossing Genes

This is a drawing by tkmiz. When was it drawn?


On the gray background there is a total solar eclipse.

On the foreground there is a girl wearing a white and blue Sailor fuku with a green ribbon. She has light-gray hair, red eyes and oval-shaped glasses. She is holding a brown medium-sized book titled ‘META CROSSING GENES’ with a bookmark in it. On top of her head, there is a rainbow-colored halo.

There are two floating fishes beside her.


The rainbow as only 5 colors in it. It is unclear if it has any meaning, but it is noteworthy that Sir Isaac Newton originally divided the rainbow into these 5 colors. At least, that's what this Wikipedia article says. u/Juxtaposition tried to find any mention of it in Newton's writing, but failed. The books are available on, try it yourself.

Also, the book ‘META CROSSING GENES’ does not exist.