
"Rather than it being dark, maybe it's more like everything but people is pitch black..."
"Ah, here's the stairs."

"Umm... the toilet's... here...?"
"I'll wait here, yeah?"

"Uhh, sing what...?"
"Actually, I don't wanna be alone, so you sing too."
"Got it."

"I chased rabbits on that mountain."
"I fished for minnow in that river."
"Why Furusato?"

TN: A popular Japanese children's song.

"The water's black too..."

"Don't mention it."

"...By the way,"
"we also need to make a free-subject report too, don't we?"
"Do we?"
"We do."

"Looks like we can make whatever we like the topic..."
"but I don't know what to choose..."
"Ah, you might be right..."

"Write about mysterious incidents, maybe...?
The recent ones...
"But you know..."
"Ahh, yeah..."