
"My own name keeps on betraying me..."
"That's the sort of sad creature I am..."

"How you have suffered in life..."
"Uh, it's not that bad..."

"Although, pushing a word as stiff as "Majime" to kids is wrong, isn't it?"
"You think so?"

"I'll name my kid "Noutenki" when I have one."
"A cycle of tragedy..."

TN: "Noutenki" means "carefree" or "thoughtless".

"If you don't like your name, how about you pick up a nickname you do?"
"Apparently, people are intrinsically free, you know."
So said Sis
"Hmm... I can't come up with a good one..."

"Majime... Jime... Mame... Maji... Medama..."

"You for real?"
"For real, for real."

TN: "Mame" = "Bean", "Maji" = "Seriously"/"For real", "Medama" = "Eyeball", or short for "Fried egg" (Medama-yaki)